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Whats the deal with the updater?

OK. This is NOT an isolated event, This has occured every time I see that the rift is in need of update "a new version of Oculus is required to support your experience in VR. Please update and then wait for oculus to restart" which I do, and it goes into a circular loop of never updating, constantly prompting me an update is necessary.

When I see this I now know to start sweating and realize Im not gonna play my rift (for the free hour I have... rather I will troubleshoot it for my free hour) without 45 minutes minimum of troubleshooting WHAT is gonna make the update fail. I am on Windows 10... Yes, you'd think that the highly popular OS would not be stranger territory to the updater yet I constantly find OS things that cause the updater to not go through, The oculus website tip for this problem is comical stating to make sure you're connected to the internet and connect through a hard line connection. Check and check... however what I routinely find to be an issue is if the rain dance of turning off windows defender or turning on windows defender, or this time, turning off windows firewall will allow it to proceed. 

These are NOT third party security measures stopping this. This is Windows 10... so why on earth have Oculus developers not stayed on par to make the dang updater, UPDATE without a hassle? There are a million other software companies that seem to make exactly that happen fine... so again, WHY is it so complicated to update this headset!!!!! Extremely frustrated every time I see an update that I can't just UPDATE it. Get with the program, Oculus. I l;ove the product but hate the clunkiness on a commercial release.

Might I also point out. I am often too busy to play the games I have. I sometimes don't get to play the Oculus Rift but every month. Every month it seems there is a new update. Every new update requires me fumbling around how to successfully update it for an hour because the developers can't make it just update when you push update. There goes my free hour... I never actually GET to PLAY the rift. Next month Ill pick it up, it will need updated again and Ill fumble around it NOT updating for an hour and there will go that months play time. This isn't working out great for actually having FUN with my rift.

I am having the same problem. Stuck in an update loop.
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