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Whats up with the tilted screen?

Honored Guest
It is tilted slightly to the left. ive unplugged everything and rerun set up a bunch of times. what is the solution to this issue and is there a tilt slider somewhere in the settings?

Honored Guest
I tried googling the answer and looked in the forums and found a bunch of threads that people were asking the same question in 2016 but no answers

Heroic Explorer
Submit a support ticket @    ; so they can figure out what might be wrong. As of now, there's no setting to change the orientation of your headset to the virtual floor (iirc).

 If you're looking for the tool to recalibrate your HMD's sensors for such things, they'll send you the tool to do so.
PC Specs:
Intel i7-6700k @ 4.5 Ghz
Gigabyte Z170X-Gaming 3 Motherboard
16 GB CAS-10 RAM @ 2400 MHz
Startech 4-port/4-USB controller add-on card
850W Corsair HX850 PSU
4-Sensor, Roomscale Setup
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