4 weeks ago - last edited 3 weeks ago
HI I wanted to change my password in my facebook profile so I went into settings and went into password and security and I then i clicked on change password. Then the first time I put in my old password and then filled in a new password and pushed next. Then a wired thing happened. I got a popup saying that I would receive a code to my whatsapp account. What I want to now is what does this mean and is it possible to fix this. Thanks here is a screen shot of the popup.
I forgot to mention something. Now when I go to the password change box I cannot even put in my old password or a new password all I get is this strange popup saying that it is going to send a code to my whats App account.
Feel free to put this in a different location for better help if needed.
I have been doing some reading on whatsapp I do not have a smartphone or an android phone. So what I want to now is what can I do to get rid of the popup so I can change my facebook account password. Is their a different messanger app that I can receive a code to go into the code popup so I can change my facebook password.
3 weeks ago
HI Meta I was going to ask a question about whatsapp and how you are going to over days or weeks will make it so someone like me can link my facebook account and my instagram account with my Whatsapp account. I would like someone to confirm for me if this happens and if this is optional and you have to turn whatsapp app on in my facebook account how easy will it be to do this.
The other thing I would like to see change meta that you make the whatsapp desktop free no charge to use it to receive codes so that I can change my password in privacy and security in my facebook account. The reason I would like the desktop whatsapp to be free no charge is simply because lots of people like me can not pay for an app like whatsapp for their desktop computer or laptops. I also would like to see the whatsapp desktop just work on the desktop computer or laptop because lots of people such as myself I do not own an iphone or an android phone. I also do not have the internet on my cell phone. So I cannot scan Qr codes with my current cell phone witch is not an iphone or an android phone . So what I would really like to see Meta is that I can use whatsapp for my desktop or laptop I would just rather setup a whatsapp account on the whatsapp.com website and then when you install the whatsapp for desktop you can login to your whatsapp account and then link my whatsapp account with facebook or instagram.
I last night downloaded whatsapp for desktop and installed it on my laptop but when I installed it on my windows laptop I got a screen saying that I had to use an iphone or android phone to scan a Qr code in order to continue. What I did not like when I did some research on this and talked to an agent from facebook support % Help. The agent told me that my windows computer would not let me continue any further because I needed to pay for desktop whatsapp. Then I could use the whatsapp to get the codes.
3 weeks ago
Another question I would like to ask Meta is that you make the whatsapp free no charge also because I do not own a credit card or an apple credit card I am sure that lots of people are in the same situation as I am they probably do not own a credit card or an apple card to pay to buy whatsapp for thirty dollars.
3 weeks ago
HI is their anyway I can setup whatsapp on my desktop instead of using a smartphone or android or iphone I do not have any of these phones. Is Meta going to only make whatsapp available to businesses that are on facebook. I only have one personal facebook account witch is free. I would hate to have to get rid of my facebook account and lose most of my friends Meta
2 weeks ago
HI I also remember when installing what's app on my bluestacks when I installed the whats app asked for me to pay for whats app for business I only have a personal facebook free account. What do I do now.
2 weeks ago
HI I would like to now something. I now Whatsapp is free and meta is charging me to use whatsapp. What I want to now since I am not a business and I am just using a free facebook account is it free to get codes from whatsapp without paying for it.
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