11-28-2024 08:22 PM
HI I would like to ask something. I was wanting to now something. A little while back I could not get back into my facebook account. So I had to get a code from security@facebookmail.com. What I want to now since Iam back into my free facebook profile for a while now. When I go into password and security to change my password I get the message saying you can't make this change at the moment. What does this mean when can I change my password for my facebook account. What I do not understand is this what does it mean when we have noticed another device. After a while of using this device then you will be able to change your password. How long will it be until I can change my facebook password here is a screenshot below:
11-24-2024 10:09 PM
HI I was wondering if I could ask a question please. If I enter some private information through security@facebookmail.com I was wanting to now will facebook just get the information and no hacker...
I was just also wanting to now does facebook it self own security@facebookmail.com
I was just curious. Thanks.
11-28-2024 07:40 AM
Yes it's safe but you didn't get response or reply from them...
11-28-2024 01:15 PM
No I did not receive any responses or asked to reply to them. I just wanted to make sure this email was safe or not save I just don't want somebody bad to get a hold of my private information. Thanks for the reply.
12-06-2024 05:39 PM
HI from the above screenshot I can now change the stuff on my facebook account without any issues.
a week ago
No atikul I have not received a response or reply from them.
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