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Where do I get DK2 drivers and Runtime?

Honored Guest
I've had my DK2 for a while and I've used it on my current computer in the past without any issues. I've recently had to reinstall a lot of stuff and the DK2 drivers is one of them. I tried using the current Runtime software for the rift, but it claims that I need a better computer and graphics card. I understand their concern for making sure it runs smoothly, but I'm not trying to run the latest rift and I know I can run the DK2 on my computer since I've done it before. So far I can only find the SDK for the DK2 and I can't find the Runtime software anywhere. Can someone help me find it or am I looking for the wrong thing?

Grand Champion
This is the last non-consumer Runtime that will work with DK2.
However, you won't be able to play any new games with that. Only some older demos.
AMD Ryzen 7 1800X | MSI X370 Titanium | G.Skill 16GB DDR4 3200 | EVGA SuperNOVA 1000 | Corsair Hydro H110i Gigabyte RX Vega 64 x2 | Samsung 960 Evo M.2 500GB | Seagate FireCuda SSHD 2TB | Phanteks ENTHOO EVOLV
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