08-17-2024 03:21 PM
Unfortunately, my account was permanently banned and we cannot use our meta quest 3 vr headset . In response all we were told is to find the email and appeal it . Is there a live person , or even anyone via email that can actually unbanned the account . I don’t see why I need to appeal it when we bought the headset and games . It seems simple to me , my sons account was banned because they didn’t accept out ID . Well , all that needs to happen is for them to attach his account to an adult account which would be mine . This would take them mere minutes to achieve. It’s really not helpful to tell me to look for an email and request an appeal on their choice to ban his account . Why do I need to find the email when we don’t have it ? Can’t it be resent , can’t they do anything at all to assist ? It’s taken me a week to find somewhere to post my issue on . We’ve emailed over a week ago and still no response . This is ridiculous.
08-18-2024 01:50 PM
Hey there @jenean.303318! We appreciate you reaching out to us. We see that you are in contact with another member of our support team in a private message. We do ask that you stay in contact with them so that we do not miss any information that you provided to us. We hope that you are able to get your account back soon! Have a great day!
11-06-2024 10:50 AM
Please help!! I have tried every avenue possible to get my Facebook account unlocked. I was hacked and someone associated another instagram account. There has been no way for me to get in contact with anyone regarding this.
12-02-2024 06:02 PM
No it’s been months and my son still can’t use his brand new oculus. His account is still suspended. He’s ten , this is absolutely ridiculous.
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