01-04-2025 06:59 PM - edited 01-04-2025 07:13 PM
I have no interest in Horizons. If I could disable it via adb I could, but I tried that and the app is protected.
I have never opened any of these worlds, I never "installed" them yet they're blended in confusingly with actual installed apps. Considering there's a separate tab specifically for Horizon worlds, I consider these worlds showing in the normal apps list a bug that should be changed, and I hope it is not some feature to try to promote Horizons. And it's pretty easy to tell when a world is in the apps list because it cannot be hidden, removed, or uninstalled. This is spammy and unprofessional of the Meta platform as a whole.
Edit: I may have been in the "all" tab instead of "applications," checking now the applications tab only shows installed apps. If maybe I wasn't confused, then this might be an actual bug where the applications tab showed the horizons worlds, however I do not fully recall what happened, other than noticing something after opening the horizons app after disabling the people app to see if the social features were disabled in it.
3 weeks ago
I think that Worlds no one uses and Meta thought: Let’s push the apps no one wants.
It sucks Meta..
a week ago
I think there are now 5 or 6 horizon world icons in my All list. What is annoying is that I can't seem to delete them. Does anyone know a way to do that?
I see these horizon portals under our apps tab as a way to force users in with accidental or curious clicks because Horizons isn't popular. It's saturated with screecher children and I think Meta is desperate to find babysitters.
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