06-04-2023 05:37 PM - edited 06-04-2023 05:41 PM
I literally tried everything, Clean installing my PC , reinstalling the Oculus app multiple times, resetting the headset.
I can't play more than 2 hours before Link becomes absolutely unusable.
As soon as there is a some load into the game, the Oculus dashboard and all its services just crash leaving me with no controllers gestures (hand stays stuck open) and a 1 fps VR experience on a 1200€ "Pro" Headset and a 3K € High end Laptop.
I previously was using a Quest 2 with Virtual Desktop and you guys need to explain to me how a single dev Is capable of making a streaming app that is 1000% more stable than Link.
I'm forced to use Link for getting all the face tracking data, but I swear I soon as Virtual Desktop releases an update to support it I'm out of here.
This is truly unbelievable and I have to fight with Link every single time I try to play VR and I'm done.
06-04-2023 06:59 PM
A 3070ti laptop gpu, is realistically like a 2060 desktop gpu, absolutely no power behind it to drive VR. VR is better when run off a desktop.
06-04-2023 07:00 PM
Also it depends on your router setup. So if both are connected wireless on the same router not using WiFi 6 it could be a bad time.
06-04-2023 07:06 PM - edited 06-04-2023 07:13 PM
Please stop spreading misinformations about what laptop GPU are worth. I also used to play VR just fine with a Quest 2 and Virtual Desktop while using a I7-6700K and a GTX 1050 TI with 8Gb of ram.
06-04-2023 07:09 PM - edited 06-04-2023 07:09 PM
Like i said, My laptop is wired via Ethernet ( 2.5Gbps ) and my Quest Pro is using Wi-Fi 5 or 6 ( can't check what it's using but my router is Wi-Fi 6 Capable and it's turned on )
Anyway i locked the bitrate to 60mbps so that shoudln't even matter, the fact is the oculus software is super buggy and it was in the same state when the Quest 2 released . That's the reason why i was using Virtual Desktop until now since i need Eyes and Face Tracking Data from the headset.
06-05-2023 09:17 AM
Hey @PanDamien . we understand how tedious this may be for you, so we'd like to share some troubleshooting steps to see if this cleans some things up.
You can use Windows to manually assign which GPU is used by a specific process. This might help your PC recognize pcvr a little better.
to do so follow this directory :
Set Quest Process Priority,
You can manually set the process priority to see if this will automatically assign the process to high performance. This might have few side effects:
If these steps don't work then you might need additional assistance. Please, let us know.
06-05-2023 09:22 AM
Hello, my Laptop has a MUX switch so my Intel graphics card is always disabled in the BIOS. I already tried putting higher priority to all oculus related .exe and that didn’t changed anything.
06-05-2023 09:46 AM
@PanDamien, We would like to reiterate information from a previous encounter in which it was stated that some GPUs may not be up to specs or have not been officially tested for performance alongside the Quest 2. Whereas you may have been able to use it freely in the past because your GPU was not officially supported, it may have suffered a hit with recent updates. More information about our officially tested supported GPUs for PCVR can be found here.
06-05-2023 10:08 AM - edited 06-05-2023 10:11 AM
If you’re talking about the GTX 1050 Ti, i knew it wasn’t supported. What i didn’t say before is the oculus Software was working fine on a CV1 but was absolutely garbage with a Quest 2 ( link and airlink ). That’s when i decided to get Virtual Desktop and i never had any issues with it, very great no lag no instability. Few years after i decided to change my older pc for my actual laptop with a 3070 TI. I tried again Link and AirLink out of curiosity and surprise ! IT’S NOT STABLE. Image is pixelated when it doesn’t just crash or disconnect me every few minutes. You can expect to play 1-2 hours at max without opening the dashboard or else everything crashes. I gave up on that and went back to Virtual Desktop. Few weeks ago i got a Quest Pro and my main reason to get this headset was to get and use Eyes and Face Tracking data but i would be obligated to use the Link software in order to achieve that. And today the oculus software is still unstable, Link is unusable causing the bottom part of both lens to go RED after some times. Airlink is totally unstable of it doesn’t disconnect you and when you’re running some load in your game either the services will crash by itself or if you accidentally open the oculus dashboard : leaving you with open hands but not being able to use any buttons or gesture even if you press menu. You will be forced to kill everything related to VR. That’s a very great experience for a « Pro » Headset and again, I will reiterate my question.
how come a single dev has been able to provide better experience than a whole team working at Meta ? Why do you have so much problems with encoding and decoding when using the Official overpriced Link Cable ? Why do all services just crash when there is some load in a vr game ?
I think you understand that I’m very frustrated about this but trust me I’m not the only one in that case and we just want Meta to acknowledge they have issues with that and tell us that you’re working on it to fix that.
06-05-2023 12:51 PM
Hey hey, I'm just chiming in here since I know Link issues can really be discouraging to deal with. From here, I'd highly recommend reaching out to the support team, either through PM at @MetaQuestSupport or create a ticket. It seems like they might need to take a look into your logs to check for any possible software issues on our end.
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