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Why is both of my quest pro controllers blinking white and unable to pair?

Honored Guest

Hello, I am having issues with my 2 Meta Quest Pro Controllers blinking white and not pairing to my headset. Even after factory resetting the controllers. I don’t know if I made the wrong mistake buying these controllers or dropping them on my carpet once by accident. I need help 



@Whodisagain  Did you drop both controllers on the carpet? Have you deleted any other controllers that may be paired to your headset in the mobile app. If you 've gone through the following setup procedures and they still don't work, it may be advisable to return them.



Four Rift CV1s, Quest 2, Quest 3, Lenovo Explorer WMR, GearVR

Honored Guest

@oculusness  I’ve done those steps multiple times. Im sending them back right now.

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