01-12-2025 08:19 AM
There have been quite a few Meta app updates since the ability to sync Move data to Apple Health was first grayed out as an option and then removed entirely on a subsequent update.
We've been assured here by support that this feature was not intentionally removed and that it was being worked on, but here we are about 4 months later with no word, many updates for the Meta app have been issued and this problem persists.
This is not an Apple Health, Move settings, or a connectivity issue. People on Reddit have reported that downgrading to a previous version of the Meta mobile app returns this functionality, so clearly it had been actively removed from the app. I'm not interested in reverting. I would like this to work as advertised. The instructions for sync'ing Move data to Apple Health have not been removed from the website, so it's unclear exactly what the deal is here. If it's gone forever, please tell us so we don't hold out hope. If it's coming back, can we get some real info on when that might happen? This was such a crucial feature for those of us that had this setup.
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