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WiFi constantly disconnects


My Quest 3 worked perfectly for the last year. I just moved and now my Quest 3 is constantly disconnecting from my new WiFi network every few seconds. My Quest 3 can connect to a hotspot on my phone, so the headset is not damaged. And my WiFi works perfectly with my iPhones, so the WiFi works fine. So there is some specific problem between my headset and the router. 

I am right next to the router, and the signal is excellent on the headset. I tried setting to static but that did not help. 

I tried restarting my Quest 3, but that did not help. 

My new WiFi network is: 

HyperOptic 500 Mbps 

Router Xyxel EX3301-TO


Can somebody please help?



I found a few comments online that the Xyxel EX3301-TO router constantly drops its connection to the meta quest 3, so I replaced it with an Archer AX12 for about £50 and that worked perfectly. 

Honored Guest

Hi, Call Hyperoptic they will change your DNS, mine now works fine. I’ve tried everything and trawled many sites for answers. He sorted it in 4 mins

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