01-08-2024 03:43 PM
We got my son a Quest 2 a few years ago, and then a Quest 3 this year. since he was too young for his own account, we signed him in using my Facebook account (and monitor what he is doing on his oculus). We just got an email asking us to set up a child account, but he is desperate to confirm that he will not lose all his progress in Gorilla Tag. I don’t play at all, so hoping to confirm we can transfer the full history to him? Thank you!
Solved! Go to Solution.
01-18-2024 12:43 PM
Hey @Robotocon! We see you have a question about whether you can transfer your son's gaming progress to his new account. We'd like to inform you that we cannot transfer game progress from one account to another. With that being said, when your son creates his new account, he can still play Gorilla Tag, but he will have to start over on his gaming progress.
We hope this information was helpful! Feel free to reach back out if you have any more questions!
01-18-2024 12:43 PM
Hey @Robotocon! We see you have a question about whether you can transfer your son's gaming progress to his new account. We'd like to inform you that we cannot transfer game progress from one account to another. With that being said, when your son creates his new account, he can still play Gorilla Tag, but he will have to start over on his gaming progress.
We hope this information was helpful! Feel free to reach back out if you have any more questions!
10-18-2024 01:22 PM
Exact same issue here. I as well got an email saying I needed to create an account specifically for my son, so I did. And he logged in and had found out that he lost all of his progress, even the things we paid real money for. This is not acceptable. I guess he will continue to use my account where all of his progress is.
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