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Will the update brick a Rift cv1?

Heroic Explorer

I have an old CV1 that I haven't used in a few months. I'd like to use it now, but will the software update that bricked the other Oculus products also kill the CV1?

ASUS ROG Strix GL702VS-AH73 17.3" Laptop.  I7-7700HQ, GTX1070, 12 GB DDR4 RAM, 500 EVO 970 GB SSD, VS 2017, Oculus rift, Windows 10 home

Accepted Solutions


@sford52  the V72 borkdate only affected the mobile headsets, so the CV1 will be okay.

Four Rift CV1s, Quest 2, Quest 3, Lenovo Explorer WMR, GearVR

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My cv1 is fully updated and OK


@sford52  the V72 borkdate only affected the mobile headsets, so the CV1 will be okay.

Four Rift CV1s, Quest 2, Quest 3, Lenovo Explorer WMR, GearVR

Heroic Explorer

Thanks for letting me know, I appreciate it. I always worry with it being so old that the next update will be its last.

Thanks again folks

ASUS ROG Strix GL702VS-AH73 17.3" Laptop.  I7-7700HQ, GTX1070, 12 GB DDR4 RAM, 500 EVO 970 GB SSD, VS 2017, Oculus rift, Windows 10 home
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