01-02-2025 06:14 PM
@MetaQuestSupport has the worst customer Service ever. My Son's oculus account was recently locked because they said they could not verify his age. I've contacted them through several channels and the keep passing me off to the next person. Its been 14 days and i've gotten nowhere. They keep asking for this serial number and this account info just to pass me to someone else who asks the exact same questions. It's getting ridiculous. One person even suggested i create a new account which means we get to buy all his games again. Horrible practices. Gonna keep trying but its getting frustrating
01-03-2025 12:25 AM
Is your son 10-12 years old?
Is his account a secondary child’s account?
Was the parent account set up as the admin account that’s purchased all the games?
Is the child account the only account on the headset?
Chances are you need to get all the games transferred to a parent admin account and then create a new child’s account. But I could be wrong.
01-03-2025 06:58 AM
Same exact experience. It's tantamount to stealing. They lock you out...from your hardware and software purchases, then provide literally zero assistance other than cut and paste responses, passing you down the line until you finally tire. I'm over 70 emails in, all recommending the same non-solutions - all of them acting like the issue isn't on their end (it is). No real names, no real phone numbers, no way to actual speak to a person or talk to anyone with any authority. Nothing will get done because they are profiting from this process.
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