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Forum Posts

Known Issue: Closing Steam VR crashes Dash

Hi everyone! We're seeing a small group of Steam VR users finding that Dash is crashing on headset and that their PC is becoming unresponsive once they quit the app. The team is working on identifying and fixing the root cause of this issue, and righ...

Known Issue - V65 - V67 USB-C Debris/Water Warning

Not a solution - Marking for visibility Known Issue Hello everyone! I have observed that a significant number of users are still encountering the USB-Debris error even after the V64 fix was distributed to everyone. Consequently, I have taken the init...

LaserDisk by Retired Support
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New User Posting Info

Being a newb in-game and in anything can be tough. Here is a run down of how our tiny forum elves (and moderators) can help get you from an unknown newb to forum all-star. Posting links to external sites, certain keywords, or posting logs outside of ...

Config Utility not detecting dk2

Just got my DK2 today, and unfortunately it's not working with my pc. I tried switching usb ports, using different hdmi cords, using the dvi adapter it comes with, and plugging it into a powered usb hub but nothing works. What's weird is that both th...

Cryptiik by Honored Guest
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Rift triggers "remove hardware" sound on Windows

Every time I start/resume my computer, Windows is playing the "remove hardware" sound. Sometimes just once, sometimes 5 or 6 times in a row. I determined the Rift is causing this by opening up Device Manager once while it was happening, and observing...

tach by Honored Guest
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360 degree stereoscopic camera rig for 3ds max

I would like to create 360 images and video for the DK2 or GearVr in 3ds Max. I need help in creating a camera rig that would work much like the jaunt vr prototype or project beyond for the GearVr. Does anybody here know how to create a rig like that...

Possible Judder/Tearing Fix with SweetFX (0.4.4 SDK)

Guys, something crazy just happened here! I tried to check out SweetFX (0.4.4 SDK)with the dk2 and suprisingly...all the judder i had (For Example Ocean Rift / Affected) or right eye screen tearing is simply gone! I cant explain how does this works b...

FinalDJs by Honored Guest
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Teach Wrestling with VR

Hi , I want to teach my wrestling program using VR , can I some how load my videos and have VR view it ?Ron

Ron_Beer by Honored Guest
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Direct Mode Crash report Log

Im posting the logs of the crash report generated when using direct mode here. Exception InfoException report file: C:\Users\TheRift\AppData\Roaming\Exception Report (2014-12-10 00.56.05).txtException minidump file: C:\Users\TheRift\AppData\Roaming\E...

The_M00se by Honored Guest
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Can't install runtime - windows_folder_common_startup

I get the error messageThere has been an error.Error trying to install file: destination ${windows_folder_common_startup}resolved to an empty valueThe application will exit now.I did a search and found 2 others with this problem and both of them fixe...

Direct mode crashing

Hey guys going through an initial setup and having some difficulties. Got past the onboard video issue by moving it to my graphic card but now having some issues with finishing the configuration. Wiped out a previous install to go from scratch and in...

Fudg3 by Honored Guest
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Only Direct to Rift and some others work

Hi, I got my oculus rift yesterday morning, and was all day playing with it and all (took me some time to get it working),And I noticed that only Direct To Rift games/apps and some others work, and to those saying to run it in window mode and taking ...

boriswc by Honored Guest
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DK2 Extended mode no longer works

Hi,I'm having an issue with the DK2 in extended mode.I'm using it on windows 8.1, on a Lenova Ideapad: the issue is that in extended mode, the resolution is stuck to 1024x7...

0.4.4 unity titles not working in extended mode

Hi,Just jumped from 0.4.2 to 0.4.4 and found that unity titles don't display in extended mode. Launching the "directrorift" executable sometimes works in extended mode but judders a lot. I prefer to stick to extended because it's still smoother than ...

Can't uninstall the runtime.

So I installed the 0.4.3 runtime on this system and wanted to remove it because I will no longer be using the rift on this system.I click on uninstall and click yes to uninstall the runtime and all it's modules.The bars move across the screen then it...

parallax by Explorer
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Orange light all the day

Hi people ! I'm coming here because I tried to fix this error since 7 hours : I installed the run time and the SDK thing, everything seems good, but when I put the direct mode the demo just crash, so I tried the extend mode. When I open a demo with i...

Xivina by Honored Guest
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[0.4.3 & 0.4.4] Blue Peripherals

I have to change the code in Util_Render_Stereo.cpp to get acceptable results (no blue lines at the peripherals of the eye distortion mesh)I have attached some images showing the problem (May need to open image in new window with right click to see w...

Carandiru by Honored Guest
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DK2 creates reset loop on my PC

Hi guys,I've had my DK2 since launch with few issues and after a month or more of not using it, today I plugged it on my PC when to my surprise, as soon as I turned it on, my PC inmediately resets. If I keep it plugged my PC will be on a reset loop a...

Arau by Honored Guest
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Runtime 0.4.4 won't detect rift

I am using a DK1 and the 0.4.4 Runtime won't detect it. I've tried unplugging the USB and putting it back in, I've tried restarting my Rift and I've taken out my HDMI and put it back in.Using Windows 7 Ultimate

Lewisse by Honored Guest
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0.4.4 "out of camera range"

I've went ahead and moved on to 0.4.4, now almost everything I run, (direct to rift or not) shows "out of camera range".Tracking works, everything works except for this annoying message. I've reverted back to 0.4.3 however the message still shows on ...

solarix by Honored Guest
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game demos

i am trying to get dredhalls to work with my dk2 but i can not it goes shows the logo and the controls i click a to start playing but it is just a black screen i can hear noises but nothing on my monitor or my oculus.

kedo1209 by Honored Guest
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Yosemite DK2 Monitor issue

I have a 26" Apple Cinema monitor on my Mac Pro (latest) on a thunderport/dvi connection and the DK2 on the HDMI.I can not get the display to rotate on the DK2. In dual mode I see 2 screens in the Apple Pref display screen, and the DK2 one looks righ...

szerby by Honored Guest
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Separated images when moving head

I've had this issue where if I run the rift in direct mode for elite dangerous that whenever I turn my head, the image in each eye looks like it separates out and then when i stop moving i can see them focus back together and join.Anyone else experie...

SDK 043 wrong performance in Unity

Testing in Viewport Architectural Visualization Project for DK2:Before with SDK 0.4.1 = 120 fps Current SDK 0.4.3 = 34 fps (average)I have tried:- Full replace old OVR Stuffs- Toggle camera possition ON / OFF , Time Warp ON / OFF.- Remove all custom ...

Uninstall disabled my display adapters

Win7 64Bit. Nvidia GTX 780TiI tried the latest 0.4.4 runtime but found I was unable to maintain 75 fps in direct mode with iRacing so I uninstalled in order to revert to 0.4.3. I uninstalled the runtime as well as the display driver using windows add...

DarrenM by Explorer
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I received my Oculus Rift DK2 five hours ago, and has been trying to get ESO and Planetside 2 to work with it. Iknow others have done it, but I seem to fail. I have bought VorpX, but can't get it to work with either game. Then I tried Tridef, with no...

Colours misaligned, orange floor in demo

I'm trying to run the Config tool demo on my DK2, and it does seem to come up, but the colours are misaligned everywhere but the dead center of my vision. If I'm staring right at the text it's aligned, but the further away from center something is, t...

Config Utility - some items grayed out

My Rift works fine. However, some of the buttons in the Configuration Utility (.3.2) are grayed out: Eye Cups, Show Demo Scene, and Measure button under the advanced tab. Any ideas?

cahorton by Explorer
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No positional tracking - Oculus Camera in Device Manager

Hey again,So my IR Camera is showing up in device manager, but there's positional tracking active on anything & the LED doesn't come on (only when you first plug in the sync cable for a split second)PC SpecsINtel i7 2600k CPU - 3.4khz16gb RamGTX 590 ...

0.4.4 BSOD - Video TDR Failure

Dual GPU laptop, Windows 8.1, DK2. Using the 0.4.4 runtime with Rift in direct mode, my OpenGL application ran (although still have severe performance issues with OpenGL in direct so it is not what I would call working).Unplugged the rift to switch b...

HartLabs by Honored Guest
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New Oculus SDK messing with Graphics Drivers

Getting all sorts of problems with 0.4.4. 1/Newer Unity Applications aren't displaying on rift in 'Rift as Primary, Extended Mode', only on the monitor.2/Newer Unity Applications cannot be moved across to the rift window from the monitor due to the a...

Flashing the BIOS ?

Hi everyoneIn order to disable Nvidia Optimus, I have to modify my BIOS in a certain way, so it allows me to enable/disable Nvidia Optimus. Any Idea of how I can do that ? It's the last solution I have to get my DK2 to work, so I have to test that be...

Xivina by Honored Guest
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DK2 double-GPU laptop users ?

Hi guys, so I was wondering in any of you used their DK2 on a laptop, with a double-GPUI can't get mine to work, and I think it's because of that (Orange light all the time, can't even get the demo to work)Did you do any manipulation in the Nvidia pa...

Xivina by Honored Guest
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Check out some popular posts here:

Tips and Tricks: Charging your Meta Quest Headset

Tips and Tricks: Help with Pairing your Meta Quest
