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Forum Posts

Trouble With Facebook/Instagram Accounts?

Hi Meta Community,If you're reading this it means you're facing some issues with your Facebook or Instagram account. We know how important it is to ensure you're able to regain access to your Facebook and Instagram accounts. MetaQuestSupport, Moderat...

New User Posting Info

Being a newb in-game and in anything can be tough. Here is a run down of how our tiny forum elves (and moderators) can help get you from an unknown newb to forum all-star. Posting links to external sites, certain keywords, or posting logs outside of ...

Resolved! Meta 3 Quest for Business Kiosk mode limitations

Hey! We are currently developing experiences to be displayed at meetings and expos, and we want the bootup experience to be as streamlined as possible when starting. We are using Meta for business, and even paying extra for the shared mode plugin, bu...

Unable to reset Meta Quest password

I've been trying to reset my oculus account password since I forgot it but when I click send email it says go to metas reset password and when I try a different email it says it doesn't recognize it,I don't know what to do.

Jam_42 by Honored Guest
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Got a blackscreen of death on my Quest 3 after latent update

I just got my Quest 3 two days ago since my Quest 2 had the same problem. I went in settings to download the latest version and i played for a bit after the update was Done. 2 hours later i logged on and i got the blackscreen of death. I tried bootin...

Gadgari by Honored Guest
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Resolved! Into the radius not downloading

Hey, I saw that into the radius was available on the quest platform. As excited as I was I quickly bought the game and was notifed that into the radius is not compatible with the meta quest. Is that a setting or did something change to make my occlus...

Resolved! Quest 3 recorded video is zoomed in

Hello, I have a Quest 3 to play Microsoft Flight Simulator, basically. My problem is that when I record a video with the Quest 3, when I play the video the distance inside the cabin of the plane has been zoomed in, which means that the instruments of...

Transfer parental control to another parent

I am a step father and need to transfer the parental supervision controls to my step son's father. I have googled this for weeks looking for any advice or answers on how to accomplish this. it seems that it simply isn't coded in to the quest parental...

J0nz3n by Honored Guest
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Resolved! issue converting an existing Meta account to parent controlled

I am trying to convert my sons meta account for his Meta Quest 2 to be in line with his age. It suspended his account and I now cannot get any further and he cannot use his device. I raised a support request 2 weeks ago but they have not resolved the...

isdfpbr by Explorer
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Quest 2 Can't Charge or Boot up

My Quest 2 is in a constant loop of coming on for about 15 seconds with a non-rotating Meta logo, then black for 3-5 seconds. The boot screen can be gotten into. However, the loop is reactivated no matter what option is selected. I cannot connect to ...

Cannot activate discount from App Referral Links

Hello, Since roughly a week ago I'm not able to get discounts from App Referral Links anymore.When I click a referral link the page opens, but instead of being able to claim a discount, the button says "View in Meta Quest Store" and after clicking it...

Youju by Explorer
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Meta quest 2 electricity cost

I was wondering I live in Florida can someone tell how much money in electricity does it take to charge a meta quest 2 to from 10%to 100%

Ecker2323 by Honored Guest
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Quest 2 PCVR Micro stuttering

I got a 3rd-party USB 3.0, 5 gbps PCVR cord that i can connect to my PC, and when i play Gorilla tag, it stutters for around 5 - 10 seconds, then it does it again 10 - 15 seconds later. But also, My PC is really good, it can run high-end games at 180...

Voice Messages feature still doesn’t work for me?

All my other friends have gotten the feature of voice messages since like a month or two ago but I haven’t? I reported a bug in my quest 3 that I don’t have that feature and I haven’t gotten any response. I used to play on a quest 2 until Christmas t...

Refund Not Approved

Hi there, I recently purchased Marvel Powers United VR on the 11th and requested a refund, and my refund has not been approved. I checked the following email and it has no information whatsoever as to why my refund was not approved. I'd like to know ...

el_dioblo by Not applicable
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Resolved! Ghost of tabor not updating on pc VR

Hello, my Ghost of tabor on my Meta Quest Link software is not updating to the new patch, so i am unable to play at all.My standalone version updated no issue. i deinstalled the game and checked the game version before downloading it again. It says i...

Unable to add a payment method

Earlier today I tried buying a game, but needed a payment method. I tried adding it on the headset, but didn't work. I then tried my phone (visa and paypal), yet it still didn't work. I then tried on my PC to add a payment method, still didn't work. ...

Murtle_1 by Honored Guest
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Resolved! Unable to claim free 6 months Quest+ Due to age.

Hi guys. I just bought a meta quest 3 and i'm very happy with it. I do have some problems though. If you bought the headset before the 30th of june you get asgard's wrath 2 and meta quest+ for 6 months. I'm 17 and i have parental control on the quest...

Can't access purchased games due to FB ban.

Hello Meta support team, My instagram was hacked about a month ago, and was susequentlently banned. This account was linked to meta and this means I have lost all my purchased games. Is it possible I can link my new Meta Account to my Oculus account?...

J05hyYy by Honored Guest
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Headset is stuck booting and restarting.

Hi there, my son has a meta quest 2 which he absolutely loves, however, it has developed a problem which I am thus far unable to fix so I'm hoping you can assist me. Out of the blue, my boy cannot use his headset. It is stuck in a loop of showing an ...

Quest Link - Graphics Card Not Compatible Error Message

I have tried setting up my Quest 3 with the PC Quest Link app but keep getting the Graphics Card Not Compatible Error Message. I have done every single thing I can find on these forums. I have a Dell XPS 15 9530 with an Nvidia GTX 4060 installed, it ...

Meta Quest 3 - Quest link not working

Hi, firstly I got the reply message from MetaQuestSupport on my comment on another thread, although I am not presented with a "Send a Message" button when viewing the MetaQuestSupport Profile page.My Meta Quest 3 Headset is running the latest firmwar...

MulgaNator_0-1715646648963.png MulgaNator_1-1715646713630.png
Need a hand?

The community can help! For Meta Quest products, search for similar issues or create a new thread and the community will jump in soon. See our new thread posting tips for Getting Help from the Meta Quest Community.

If you need to speak with an agent directly, please contact our support team here.

Having trouble with a Facebook or Instagram account? The best place to go for help with those accounts is the Facebook Help Center or the Instagram Help Center. Our team isn't able to assist with those account troubles.

Check out some popular posts here:

Tips and Tricks: Charging your Meta Quest Headset

Tips and Tricks: Help with Pairing your Meta Quest
