01-04-2025 04:44 AM
i just purchased a quest 3 and wanted it mostly as a PCVR headset to connect via cable/air link. The stand alone capability is not important for me. My Problem is: i have only a older smartphone, and i am unable to install the meta app on it. So i am stuck in the installation process. Is there REALLY no other way to get this running like an PC app or something that i have missed? Do i really have to buy a new smartphone just to get this frikkin headset to go running? If so, what the hell is meta thinking? maybe i am oldfashioned, but not every human has always the newest smartphone. wtf? please help.
Solved! Go to Solution.
01-04-2025 05:13 AM
Hi @Rift-Denny78 🙂
you need a phone for the set up, but it don't have to be your phone.
Maybe you can borrow one from a friend or from your family?
You can download the Meta Horizon app on that phone, complete the set up and after that just delete the app from the phone.
You don't need the app further more., if you don't want to use it...... although, I find typing messages from phone is better than from headset.
01-04-2025 05:13 AM
Hi @Rift-Denny78 🙂
you need a phone for the set up, but it don't have to be your phone.
Maybe you can borrow one from a friend or from your family?
You can download the Meta Horizon app on that phone, complete the set up and after that just delete the app from the phone.
You don't need the app further more., if you don't want to use it...... although, I find typing messages from phone is better than from headset.
01-04-2025 05:27 AM
Yeah, seems to be the only option. Thank you very much.
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