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com.oculus.deviceautserver... keeps stopping.

Honored Guest

As the title states I'm just getiting hammered every few seconds with the error: com.oculus.deviceautserve. Its happening so much I can't even navigate into any menus. 


SO, not to be rude but just getting the obvious normal questions I've encounter in my searches out of the way;

Yes I've soured the forums, none of the posts I've located address this issue.

Yes I've tried factory resetting via volume down and power for 30 seconds and selecting factory reset.

Yes I've tried updating the firmware via sideloading via the web portal, it keeps stating that there was an error while trying to connect. It recognizes the quest 2 in the popup window just before what I can only assume is the update process itself. I've not gotten that far.

Yes I've tried using the Meta Quest Developers Hub, as well as the Oculus Link. I can even get what looks like an update happening but that messge keeps poping up and forces me to close it all down.

It runs fine until I connect to any WiFi than I get



If I disconnect, its back to normal. HOWEVER the obvious issue is with no WiFi no games, or any thing. So this is really being an issue. I have seen a few post about this, dug as deep as I could but they never get answered in the post. Just a dead end.

Well if you got this far in the read thanks for at least looking at it. Hopefully someone will have some idea or similar experience.



Honored Guest

I've also checked the serial number of the quest 2 against the new update issue Meta had reported for both Quest 2 and 3s but it returned that my unit was unaffected.

Honored Guest

For anyone looking, META...the multi billion dollar company, would rather me buy a new "refurbished" unit rather than try to fix the issue which I know for a fact is software related as I can use the **bleep** thing until I try to connect online. This is the future of big tech companies. Because rather than offer up a solution, they'd just as soon offer up a replacement at my expense. Don't want it? No problem to them. Whats a mere 200.00 USD to them? Why pay a person to look into it. Now a days that'd cost more.

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