11-16-2024 04:38 AM
respost beacuse no one answered to the original one
Hi yall, (sorry if my english grammar is bad)
yeah i keep having problems cuz i keep getting suspended by meta after someone (AS A JOKE) changed my birthday date to his and if i try to appeal, moderators don't accept it cause the name is not right. yeah, the name doesnt match cause i used a different first name on my meta account than my true one, beacuse i know its somewhere on the servers.
But yeah. that was my story. The reason i wanna copy the saved data from my old, suspended accout to a new one is beacuse ive had again, too many data in the apps and games. And yes, i still somehow managed to have my old account, and a new one at the same time, but if i switch to my old, i cant really do anything, except of just turning off and on my headset and switching to my new (where i finally gave my real name so when i get banned i can appeal with no problems i think).
Oh and yeah, one more thing, if i appeal on the account that was suspended and gets accepted, and there is a second account with the same personal data, will the second one be suspended for impersonating?
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