03-28-2024 12:18 PM
as the title says , can i wear earphones that have a microphone, but disable it to use the built in microphone?
Solved! Go to Solution.
03-31-2024 01:32 PM
Hi there, @younis158! We understand how much a microphone adds to the VR experience, so we'd wanted to chime in to clarify a bit! It's essential we let you know that currently headphones with microphones and standalone microphones are not compatible with the Quest 3 headset. Additionally, the headset should always use it's own internal microphone for communications. For more information on this feature, please check out this article regarding the Quest 2 and Quest headsets, which also applies to the Quest 3. Although, we can certainly see the benefit of outside microphones with your headset, so we encourage you to share your insights on this subject with our Ideas Page. We always appreciate any feedback our users bring to the table as we work towards improving the VR experience for everybody!
03-31-2024 01:32 PM
Hi there, @younis158! We understand how much a microphone adds to the VR experience, so we'd wanted to chime in to clarify a bit! It's essential we let you know that currently headphones with microphones and standalone microphones are not compatible with the Quest 3 headset. Additionally, the headset should always use it's own internal microphone for communications. For more information on this feature, please check out this article regarding the Quest 2 and Quest headsets, which also applies to the Quest 3. Although, we can certainly see the benefit of outside microphones with your headset, so we encourage you to share your insights on this subject with our Ideas Page. We always appreciate any feedback our users bring to the table as we work towards improving the VR experience for everybody!
12-11-2024 12:11 AM
@MetaQuestSupport , I get that you're toeing the company line ("We cannot condone nor approve you using any other product than the one we supply"), but can you understand how that's less than helpful?
For instance, I work an odd, rotating shift so sometimes I'm up all night. I'd like to be able to use the surrounding-the-ear headphones/mic that I already have. Problem is, the ear-speakers on the Quest 3 make enough noise that my wife can hear them downstairs. Being able to turn off the Quest earphones/mic and only use my other ones wouldn't prevent me from using your product... in fact, it would lead to MORE use of your product.
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