01-03-2025 12:31 PM
Hi everyone,
I have a question. I own a Quest 2, which I mostly use for Beat Saber. Recently, my left controller started disappearing/disconnecting, as you can see in my video. It happens everywhere, not just in Beat Saber. Even with slightly faster movements. I've tried replacing the battery, disconnecting the battery for 30 minutes, unpairing and repairing it via the app - no change. The only thing left is a factory reset, but I'm hesitant to do that, I don't think it would help. Is it broken? Or should I try something else? Thanks for any advice."
Solved! Go to Solution.
01-05-2025 02:36 AM
@Housac even though the battery appears to be held snugly, the spring pressure in the positive terminal contact is not strong enough to keep a constant connection. It's a known issue -
Re: Controller Battery stuck at 0% - Page 2 - Meta Community Forums - 963802
01-03-2025 01:19 PM
If it loses connection when swinging, it's normally because the battery isn't completly snug in the housing. If it rattles even a tiny bit, it'll disconnect
01-03-2025 01:26 PM
it's not disconnect, that's also visible in the video, it should make a disconnection sound, a connection sound.. the controller just disappears..
i've already checked the battery - the connectors are cleaned, movable and the battery holds between the connectors even without the cover
01-05-2025 02:36 AM
@Housac even though the battery appears to be held snugly, the spring pressure in the positive terminal contact is not strong enough to keep a constant connection. It's a known issue -
Re: Controller Battery stuck at 0% - Page 2 - Meta Community Forums - 963802
a month ago
thank you so much, its working! 🙂
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