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Honored Guest



Not applicable

Can't help you on logging on, BUT, know you shouldn't post personal info, (email, user name), out in the open. There's scammers posing as admins on help/support who'll bombard you w/replies to private message them, then clean your clock, (they got me for $200!). Here, you'll get help by clicking on the name Meta Support in a post, then profile, then private message them. I DID! Wish I'd done that first but had to make another account to be able to make contact! Good luck!

Thank you for the kind reminder. I have successfully connected with the correct support center. I've edited the original content. I am grateful for your reply

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Having trouble with a Facebook or Instagram account? The best place to go for help with those accounts is the Facebook Help Center or the Instagram Help Center. This community can't help with those accounts.

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