01-11-2025 05:44 PM
Hi i have a problem when i use pc vr with air link my vision freeze and everything is shaking so much i if anyoone have some tips how to fix it i would be grateful
01-11-2025 07:12 PM
Impossible to say unless you include your meta-link/ODT settings, pc specs, and router setup imho.
01-11-2025 08:01 PM
AMD ryzen 5 7500f,rtx 4070 12gb,16gb 5200 ddr5 ram, meta quest 3,i use ethernet connection, wifi router 5ghz,windows 11
01-11-2025 10:51 PM
Usually means your encoding bitrate is too high. Start off opening the oculus debug tool (ODT google how to do this). Set everything to defaults/zeros. Then open your Air Link home dashboard far left icon and try 100mbps Dynamic bitrate.
Also google air link troubleshooting for more tips. Otherwise contact meta support including your log files and see if they can identify what’s causing your issues. Sorry I can’t be of more help. Good luck mate and cheers.
01-12-2025 01:20 AM
I get that too with Airlink. It doesn't happen with Link, SteamLink, Virtual Desktop or ALVR, so I use those instead.
01-12-2025 02:52 AM
@user_901925786032222 wrote:
I get that too with Airlink. It doesn't happen with Link, SteamLink, Virtual Desktop or ALVR, so I use those instead.
I don't have any issues using Air Link with either my QPro or Q3. One thing I've found in order to jump into Air Link is to go to the Quest home Link settings panel and wait for all the connections to refresh (all green checks), then launch. Like everything in VR, your results may vary, lol!
a month ago
in my case steam link is laggy but not freezing its more playable then airlink but still something is wrong
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