12-17-2024 08:23 PM
Hello everyone, I’m struggling with my Instagram account after it was compromised by a hacker, and I’m hoping someone can offer guidance or Meta can help with this hacker that hacked my account.
Here’s what happened: My Instagram account was hacked, and the attacker linked their Meta account and it is now controlling my Instagram account through the Meta Accounts Center. Problem: I created a new Facebook account and added it to the Accounts Center to try to unlink my Instagram from the hacker's Meta account. However, whenever I attempt to remove my Instagram account from the Meta account, it asks me to create a password for the Meta account. To finalize this, a confirmation code is sent to the hacker’s email address, which I don’t have access to. What I’ve Tried: Adding a new Facebook account to the Accounts Center. Setting the linking mode to "Advanced" so the new Facebook account is connected. Attempting to remove my Instagram account, but I’m always redirected to create a password and confirm via the hacker’s email. The system insists on creating a password for the hacker’s Meta account I’m stuck because now my accounts been disabled. I do have the password to my account as I was lucky enough to be the last one to change it. however Instagram didnt email me to confirm its been disabled so I cant appeal it. If anyone has encountered a similar situation or knows a workaround, please share. Any advice is greatly appreciated! Thank you in advance.
12-17-2024 08:28 PM
Hi @Charmainetai, thank you for bringing this to our attention.
We're deeply upset to hear that this has happened to you.
Would you mind sending us a private message so we can investigate this further? You can do so by going to our profile page or by clicking here.
Hope to hear from you soon!
12-17-2024 08:43 PM
Hey there MetaQuest Support,
Im unsure how to send you a private message for this investigation,
can you please explain how to send a private message to you please 🙂
12-17-2024 08:47 PM
Hi @Charmainetai, if it's easier for you, you can submit a ticket to our wonderful Customer Support team by visiting the following website - https://www.meta.com/help/support/
Alternatively, please click here to send us a private message.
Many thanks!
12-17-2024 09:07 PM
Hi again MetaQuestSupport,
can you confirm if you recieved my private message please and thank you
12-24-2024 12:38 AM
I think you should try to contact with meta support team (meta pro team) for getting back your account.
12-24-2024 12:40 AM
Hi Mark ok how do I contact them ?
12-24-2024 12:46 AM
To contact the Meta Support Team (or Meta Pro Team), you’ll need to follow these steps:
1. Access Your Business Manager:
Log in to your Facebook account and go to Meta Business Suite.
Ensure you have a Business Manager account set up. If not, create one.
2. Check Eligibility:
Meta Support is typically available for users who manage ad accounts, have active campaigns, or meet certain criteria, such as being a Meta Business Partner.
3. Go to the Help Section:
In the Business Manager dashboard, click on the "Help" or "Support" option.
Navigate to the "Contact Support" or "Get Help" section.
4. Submit a Support Request:
You’ll usually see options to report issues or contact the support team directly.
Choose the category related to your problem (e.g., account issues, ad account issues, business verification).
5. Use the Live Chat Option (If Available):
If you’re eligible, you may see a live chat option to talk to a Meta representative.
Be polite and provide detailed information about your issue.
6. Use Business Partner Assets (if applicable):
If you are part of a Meta Business Partner program, you can leverage your business assets to escalate the issue. Business Partners often get priority support.
7. Be Persistent:
If one representative cannot help, don’t hesitate to reach out again and talk to multiple agents. Sometimes, persistence is key to getting your issue resolved.
Let me know if you need further clarifica
tion or a more detailed walkthrough!
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If you need an agent to help with your Meta device, please contact our store support team here.
Having trouble with a Facebook or Instagram account? The best place to go for help with those accounts is the Facebook Help Center or the Instagram Help Center. This community can't help with those accounts.
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