01-02-2025 07:09 AM
Hello, I have been using your products for a long time, I have several different models of your company and I have always been satisfied. But one of the pairs of headsets (Meta Quest 3) showed a black screen. Before that, I played normally, the glasses did not fall or hit anywhere, after the game I put them down and turned off. A day later, I decided to play again, turned it on, the Meta OC icon started loading, the sound that was in the main menu was heard, but the entire screen turned black. I tried to press the volume buttons in this state, and the volume slider was visible on the black screen and it was visible how it increased and decreased, but the background was all black. I tried to reset the settings using the Application on IOS - it did not help. I tried to reset the settings using the BIOS mode, holding down the power button and the volume down button (-) and it also did not help, although I could see the entire menu and text, but after the reset nothing changed. And before loading this emblem appeared.
01-02-2025 07:23 AM
@Renartto96 have you tried using the meta quest update tool?
Meta Quest Software Update | Meta Store
01-02-2025 07:30 AM
No, what kind of instrument is this?
01-02-2025 08:05 AM
@Renartto96 it's a way of updating the firmware on the headset if it is having issues.
01-02-2025 10:25 AM
didn't help, I tried to update using the meta site. But now the Meta icon is constantly loading in a circle
01-02-2025 12:12 PM
Is the headset still under warranty? If so get in touch with meta support.
01-03-2025 09:07 AM
Please tell me where I can best contact the developers
01-03-2025 09:09 AM
more precisely with support*
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Tips and Tricks: Charging your Meta Quest Headset