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how to cancel the pre-order queue of oculus touch

Honored Guest
as the subject, would like to know how ?

I plan to pick up touch later, but not in the period of initial release.

So would like to manage the cancellation before touch releasing.

Accepted Solutions

I would say just do nothing and ignore the offer to pre-order when you receive it.

AFAIK all the pre-order reservation means is that you'll get the opportunity to place a pre-order before others / the public can place their pre-orders, or if you DO pre-order yours will be shipped out earlier than others.  Something along those lines; you didn't actually commit to buying Touch right away when you were ordering your Rift.
It's hard being the voice of reason when you're surrounded by unreasonable people.

View solution in original post


I would say just do nothing and ignore the offer to pre-order when you receive it.

AFAIK all the pre-order reservation means is that you'll get the opportunity to place a pre-order before others / the public can place their pre-orders, or if you DO pre-order yours will be shipped out earlier than others.  Something along those lines; you didn't actually commit to buying Touch right away when you were ordering your Rift.
It's hard being the voice of reason when you're surrounded by unreasonable people.
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