02:32 PM
- last edited on
02:33 PM
I did a factory reset on a Quest 2 I was given by my daughter. I have an old Nokia dumb phone so cannot pair it with the headset. Is there any way I can get through the setup procedure using my PC? I tried the Meta Quest Link, which shows that the headset is connected but that doesn't get me past the headset's setup pairing screen. Perhaps with the help of the Developer Hub? How could that be done? Thanks for any advice.
11-01-2024 03:15 PM
11-02-2024 05:26 AM
You can finish setup with the developer hub, so long as your computer has Bluetooth.
11-02-2024 06:42 AM
Set Up Headset with MQDH | Meta Horizon OS Developers
11-03-2024 03:33 AM
Thanks for the replies, much appreciated it. The pairing is possible without the phone by installing the Developer Hub on PC and connecting the headset to PC with a usb-C cable or bluetooth.
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