06-26-2022 06:00 AM
my quest 2 very high lagging when im on link, no problem when i m on the native quest 2, but i need to play iracing and its impossible... ps help me.
06-26-2022 06:09 PM
Hey there, nicodhr! We notices you were having trouble using Oculus Link after the recent v41 update. We'd love to help out and relieve some of that stress!
We do have a couple of basic fixes that could help. Those are as follows:
This might sound contradictory, but there is also a current issue with AMD driver update 22.5.2 which recently came out. For this we suggest reverting to 22.5.1 with the following steps:
If none of those seem to help, feel free to reach right back out here for some further things to test!
06-26-2022 06:11 PM
Okey, because I've a Nvidia 3080 and not an AMD GPU, but an AMD CPU
06-26-2022 06:30 PM
Awesome, just to confirm. Did any of the previous steps seem to help out by chance? If not, just provide that confirmation and we can give some other things to test!
06-26-2022 06:41 PM
No one sorry.. same with all of that, my oculus it's on 2.0 blocked and very big lag
06-26-2022 08:18 PM
Thank you so much for that confirmation. There has been something else that might help which was found by another one of our community members here.
The last couple of things we could recommend here are as follows:
If these don't seem to help as well, please collect your Oculus Logs and reach out to us here where we can do some more extensive research!
06-26-2022 08:23 PM
I'm going to send u my logs because this too , I've already do, I said, I've all try..
06-26-2022 08:48 PM
Great, we'll see you on the other side!
07-13-2022 05:49 PM
Any update - I've got the same problem since updating with V41 Oculus Link Software ?
07-27-2022 04:52 AM
Try Oculus Debug tool and setup Encoded Bitrate to 300
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