12-12-2024 11:15 AM
Hello, I've got a persistent issue with my menu to select the user. It impedes my ability to use the headset and causes significant irritation. As any moment our quest 3 is put down and picked up it defaults to a see through display with no menus; buttons not doing anything only a video of the pass through.
I eventually figured out the the menu is still there, but no one can see it. Neither though casting to phone or in the headset, my husband blindly clicking controller on where he can imagine the "ok" from profile select menu would be normally seem to be the only way to be able to use the VR.
Once logged in the quest behaves as normal. Untill the next time the user profile would have to be selected (or swapped, which is very hard or near impossible with a menu that's not displaying)
One thing of note. When head moved left or right rapidly I can see a blurred menu that normally pops up to select profile. But it immediately disappears when not in rabbit motion.
We tried restarting the headset, holding the power button for 30 sec - restart, tried casting from phone, tried launching apps from phone app - to no help. Tried looking for updates (none pending).
The launched app would be running once passed the profile selection, but there is no easy way to exit the see through with no menu or icons., mobile app doesn't help with it at all.
The only thing we can see is the controller or /and hand recreation in VR and their pointers.
There's only two user, myself and my husband.
12-17-2024 09:26 AM
Will do.
I ended up doing a factory reset and all seems to be right in the world once again.
12-17-2024 09:34 AM
My issue eventually went away I believe from changing the lighting and/or boundary situation I was in. I was able to avoid a factory reset
12-17-2024 11:58 PM
What settings did you change to fix it? VR Is one of my only outlets for anxiety and boredom and this issue doesn't help with either one. Thank you!
12-18-2024 12:01 AM
I hate the fact that so many people have posted about this issue and the only fix that isn't completely obscure is to factory reset. I do not want to log back in, set everything back up and download a hundred gigs or so of games back. Oculus needs to actually do something and not send empty responses that don't help at all. There's no option in support that I can find that fits my description, and there's no chat feature I can find.
12-18-2024 12:09 AM
Unfortunately I haven't fixed it. Although I did not try to factory reset, as I can not be bothered to reinstall everything. Just use the walking out of the room physically to leave the boundary as a work around for now.
12-18-2024 12:25 AM
Sorry, I was responding to Pat.Rad's response about avoiding a factory reset by "changing the lighting and/or boundary situation I was in". Thank you for responding though, I understand how frustrating it must be, especially coming from someone who uses it almost every day as a coping mechanism and for general entertainment.
I hope you find a solution, I'll have to get used to spamming my trigger until I press the login button until I find a way to fix this. Thank you!
12-18-2024 04:20 AM
Sorry I wish I could tell you more what resolved it for me. Thinking back, I was at my desk, I put it on, it had clearly gotten an update since the last time I used it. I then had the issue and was clicking blindly until I could log in. Then I was just trying to reboot it and fully power it down and back on a number of times, which also required a lot of blind clicking. It was easier to double click the meta button to get Meta AI up and then tell it to reboot via voice. Not of that seemed to resolve it however and I gave up. I did manage to get some video of the issue recorded via casting to my phone. However the next day when I went to use it, it was fine. At that point my only assumption of "what changed to fix it" was: well I'm in a new boundary and different lighting . . so maybe that was it? Sorry I guess I can't really say for certain what resolved it, but I have not had it since that first day, post-update.
12-18-2024 12:28 PM
I figured it out. You need to go to your quick settings, then press the gear icon, scroll down to Environment settings and go to boundary settings. Then look for "Clear Boundaries" or something simular. Then go back to quick settings and press Boundary. Just remake your boundary and restart your oculus. I don't know if this will work for everyone, but it worked for me and it's something to try. I'm glad I didn't have to factory reset, and hopefully you won't have to either.
12-26-2024 01:58 PM - edited 12-26-2024 02:00 PM
Add me to the list. Haven't had any problems the past 4 years. Noticed the new update as well as added my son as a 2nd account to the Quest 2. Am now unable to log into my account with luckily only a 4 digit passcode without whipping my head from left to right and hoping to hit the right number each time. My neck hurts and am about to factory reset this thing if that truly fixes it. Got a new Quest 3 and wanted to give the Quest 2 to my son but this issue is causing a lot of problems.
I tried walking out of the boundary (entire room even) and that does not seem to help me out at all as it has others. I've also cleared the boundary and reset one stationary boundary and that too did not fix the problem.
12-26-2024 02:01 PM
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