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invisible profile select menu


Hello, I've got a persistent issue with my menu to select the user. It impedes my ability to use the headset and causes significant irritation. As any moment our quest 3 is put down and picked up it defaults to a see through display with no menus; buttons not doing anything only a video of the pass through.

I eventually figured out the the menu is still there, but no one can see it. Neither though casting to phone or in the headset, my husband blindly clicking controller on where he can imagine the "ok" from profile select menu would be normally seem to be the only way to be able to use the VR.

Once logged in the quest behaves as normal. Untill the next time the user profile would have to be selected (or swapped, which is very hard or near impossible with a menu that's not displaying)

One thing of note. When head moved left or right rapidly I can see a blurred menu that normally pops up to select profile. But it immediately disappears when not in rabbit motion.

We tried restarting the headset, holding the power button for 30 sec - restart, tried casting from phone, tried launching apps from phone app - to no help. Tried looking for updates (none pending).

The launched app would be running once passed the profile selection, but there is no easy way to exit the see through with no menu or icons., mobile app doesn't help with it at all.

The only thing we can see is the controller or /and hand recreation in VR and their pointers.

There's only two user, myself and my husband.


Honored Guest

WORKAROUND:  This one worked for me.   Shutdown the headset completely.  Put a blanket over your head and headset, then hold the button to restart the headset.  That allowed the profile selection, enter your passcode dialog, etc. to show up.  Worked for me anyway,

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