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keyboard swipe - not working

Honored Guest

Hey, I just got my Meta Quest 3. Everything works fine so far. I just have an issue with the keyboard swipe function. I turned this setting on under settings-experimental. But it does not work at all if I try to swipe over a virtual keyboard with my controlers. For me it looks like a bug. Can anyone confirm this? I did see some youtube videos, where this feature worked. I am using the latest software version 60.0.0.....



Honored Guest

same problem here

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hey there, @Tobbbi and @Edo2109! Since its an experimental feature there may be a few things that are still getting worked through. Please feel free to submit a bug report here, this information helps us better understand and fix issues like what you both are experiencing. If you have any additional questions, please don't hesitate to reach out!

If you're the author of a thread, remember to mark a reply as the Accepted Solution to help others find answers!


@Tobbbi I have the same problem, swipe typing doesen't work even if is enabled in the options.

To be precise, it doesen't work anymore. I can't recall wich update made the bug appear, but i used the functionality just fine and then stopped working.

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