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last attempt for this forum to help me with 0.08

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so. last time I came here all that happened was people yelling at me for trying to run an oculus on my laptop even though I had already informed them that it worked weather they thought it would or not, ergo I'm hoping that I'll actually get some help-
on my gtx970m laptop that barely runs (but still runs) my DK2, I have installed the firmware and what little else was around it only to be greeted by every single game I've attempted to crash instantly.  does anyone have any assistance other than getting a new computer or "it won't work on a laptop"? because anything like that will be removed

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Perhaps try this File stored by SCAWEN...
it is Runtime 1.7 which has no cpu check.
You can only install to C: drive but can allow auto-updates to the present 1.14

Not applicable
is there anything specific I should do with it?  I've been trying to install it for the past hour and it says that it failed and needs me to restart my computer
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