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meta account issues

Honored Guest

im trying to link my quest 2 to pc. the app on my pc requires a meta acct. i have one. it says it doesnt recognize it, yet my quest 2 runs fine and logs into the acct with no problem. i can also log onto this website with no problem. it also doesnt recognize my serial number when trying to submit a ticket. ive tried every avenue to submit a ticket but your company doesnt think i or my headset exists. you have no phone support which is ridiculous. im not going to talk to ai. i need a humanoid to help fix this issue.


Honored Guest

I have the same issue and I looked into the update files and the latest update only allows link to work for Quest 3 or newer for some reason. And in the files it won't allow you to submit a ticket since the device probably doesn't fall under the booting issue that other users are having.

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