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meta cust service is non existent so frustrating

Honored Guest

This is insanely irresponsible to have a company of this size and absolutely no way of contacting anyone directly. I've been dealing with a hacked business account for over 6 months. the hacker got control of my account, racked up $3000 in ads over a 24 hr period. After various emails back and i was refunded my money. The scammer changed my meta email to his and made the secondary close to mine. Facebook as well as I missed this and i did not realize until my kids got a meta quest for Christmas. i cannot set the meta up because the 2nd factor goes to the scammers email. i made this meta account just to be able to create a support case. This is beyond frustrating. i keep getting emails from Facebook asking me if my problem was solved so they can close the case but they've changed nothing. i need to speak to an actual human and explain what is going on...

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