12-30-2022 08:43 AM
back in June of 2022, i purchased a Meta Quest 2. Recently for Christmas I received a gaming computer. I attempted to download SideQuest. it told me I had to enable dev mode on the oculus app. I tried to, but I couldn't. When I went to the "devices" tab on the Meta Quest app it said my oculus was "not connected" and that I had to "connect to access headset settings". I restarted my headset, I uninstalled and reinstalled the Meta Quest app, I updated the headset and the Meta Quest app, I made sure that they were connected to Bluetooth, and I made sure that they were connected to the same Wi-Fi network. it still says not connected. any ideas on how to connect it in order to enable developer mode?
12-30-2022 08:45 AM
You have to enable developer mode to be able to connect to the PC, rather than the other way round. To enable developer mode via your phone app, you first have to register as a developer on the Meta website
12-30-2022 08:56 AM
I'm confused. I have made an organism thing on the website. And SideQuest says to enable developer mode on the oculus phone app, but it says that the device is "not connected" and is "not found"
12-30-2022 11:30 AM
You didn't mention that you had created a developer account above. Have you installed the adb driver on your PC as well? If you have subsequently enabled developer mode using your phone, and installed the adb driver on your PC, Sidequest should be able to contact your headset. With developer mode enabled, do you receive an in-headset popup when you connect to it via USB cable?
05-16-2023 08:47 AM
"Have you installed the adb driver on your PC as well?"
The what?
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