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meta suspended account glitch 2025
Honored Guest

Dear Meta you keep on Suspended my IG account and Facebook for no reason randomly I am not the only one that's having this issue, can you please fix your system it must be a glitch or some ai you're using, if you don't fix this issue it gonna make you loes alot of money and it Affecting more people now gradually, if you don't stop this it going make you look bad 


Honored Guest

Same issue instagram has permanently disabled mine and my girlfriends instagram, we both got suspended because our email was same, and also i was banned for no reason, and also this was a 6 year old instagram and also it is saying  that i got banned due to drugs and guns, you actually mistaken me from a comment, i never promoted drugs, or guns or any other illegal stuff on my or my girlfriends account, instagram please re activate my and my girlfriends account, account no 1: evaaaa.nnnn, account no 2: spongebobhuyy 

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