01-16-2025 06:26 AM
This person mrswilliamar_37n9c
impersonated my identity and did things I don't know about and I was surprised that my Facebook account was disabled and the reason is the above account and that I don't have any account except my Instagram account which bears my name
Please reconsider and open my Facebook account
Solved! Go to Solution.
Unfortunately we can't help with account issues on the forums. If you think your account was hacked you can head here to get help: Hacked Account if you need to appeal the Instagram ban you can head here to learn about gaining access to it again: Disabled Account
Apologies, we would love to help but we just don't have the ability to do so on the forums.
any help
Unfortunately we can't help with account issues on the forums. If you think your account was hacked you can head here to get help: Hacked Account if you need to appeal the Instagram ban you can head here to learn about gaining access to it again: Disabled Account
Apologies, we would love to help but we just don't have the ability to do so on the forums.
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Having trouble with a Facebook or Instagram account? The best place to go for help with those accounts is the Facebook Help Center or the Instagram Help Center. This community can't help with those accounts.
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