04:21 AM
- last edited on
08:53 PM
Yeah so yesterday my headset was doing fine playing games but now the second my quest updates i cant play anymore? This is bs considering everything was just fine and now it wont work all because of my graphics card
11-03-2024 05:24 AM
@V_Crimson77 make sure both the meta PC app and the headset are updated as some PC and quests app versions don't like talking to each other.
Have you tried SteamLink or Virtual Desktop to stream from your PC?
11-03-2024 08:50 PM - edited 11-03-2024 08:51 PM
Hey there, @V_Crimson77 and welcome to the community forums 👋
The full RTX 40 Series, including the 4060, are still compatible with the Link app. It may be worth completing a manual uninstall/reinstall incase it is bugging out 🐛 You can do this by:
If you are still experiencing issues, contact Meta Quest Support who can look at your log files to help diagnose a fix 👀
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