01-12-2025 06:09 AM
bit new to all of this guys but just bought myself a Kat VR with the nexus so I can play my occulus 3 on it, ive looked online where loads of videos come up showing how easy it seems to be by setting up a developers mode etc but no matter what I try I cant seem to be able to access my headset setting from my iPad to put it into development mode so I can finish setting it up with the nexus and Kat vr.. I left it alone today as I gave up and was getting really frustrated, any help would really help thanks
01-12-2025 12:35 PM
The headset must be on for headset settings ha to appear.
Change the sleep timer to 15 minutes or keep it on your head to keep the display on.
As long as your headset and phone are on the same wifi, Headset settings will un-grey.
Make sure Bluetooth settings are on as well.
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