05:58 PM
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06:10 PM
on 10. 23 . 2024 i purchased a game without a problem but since few hours i've been getting errors when trying to buy any app or add payment method i tried gifting it to my gmail but the mail never came its like the app is deserted from the world please fix it so people are able to buy your games and make you some money
11-01-2024 06:25 PM
Hi there,
We would be more than happy to help you with any issues that you are having with our store.
We suggest first of all trying these general steps, to see if it corrects the problem.
If after trying them you are still having a problem then please let us know.
As this is going to be dealing with your Meta Account, and payment issues please send us a Private Message, so as to protect your privacy and security.
Thanks very much!
11-02-2024 11:39 PM
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