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oculus 2 after update wont charge or turn on .

Honored Guest

I haven't used my oculus 2 in a few years and went and charged battery, it charged fine and I was able to turn on. As soon as i went to download the update, it got stuck in an endless loop. Went to factory rest and now it won't charge or turn on. 


Expert Trustee

@Thegunners502  this is a known issue, which is handy coming up to the festive season. Imagine all those dead headsets on christmas morning. No official response from meta yet, don't hold your breath. Send a message to  About MetaQuestSupport - Meta Community Forums

Four Rift CV1s, Quest 2, Quest 3, Lenovo Explorer WMR, GearVR


wish i saw something like this sooner as im in the same boat. tho i was playing with mine as recently as a month ago.

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