01-08-2022 11:43 AM - edited 01-08-2022 01:28 PM
Is it planned -in the pipeline to include the M1 Chip in the list of GPU's the Oculus Link works with?. Is there a work around in the mean time?
FYI: Facts and knowledge from the Oculus team or someone who has had this problem and solved it are very appreciated. Commentary and conjecture from all and sundry is of no use whatsoever.
03-15-2022 03:16 PM
Please bring Oculus link for mac at least for game engine like Unity and Unreal having to build the application each time to test something is very time consuming!
03-20-2022 09:25 PM
Agreed! It would be nice to at least use Oculus Link for Unity/Unreal dev purpose. Building and running off of the headset is both time consuming and extremely tough to debug.
04-25-2022 08:07 PM
i'd like to Up this thread. the lack of support to Apple Silicon wont even let us play using windows on parallels.
Please add support, thank you!
06-23-2022 10:31 PM
+1! It’d be awesome to have everyone who works on Mx (Pro/…) Macs on board with Quest development - that should increase VR’s reach quite a bit!
Development without Link is - while certainly possible - a pain once you’ve used the convenience of Link!
06-29-2022 05:19 AM - edited 06-29-2022 05:24 AM
you can run steamVR with parallels desktop but you need to use an eGPU if you don't have a mac pro. If you have an intel mac you can use bootcamp to natively run windows 10, oculus link, and steamVR. But you still are going to need to have an eGPU if you don't have a modern mac pro with a MD Radeon PRO W6600X GPU. probably easier to invest in a gaming PC. yeah, SteamVR and Oculus downright said that they were done with development for mac.
Edit: i found a tutorial here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DXBH2Funan4
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