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ovrSuccess_NotVisible although only VR app

Honored Guest
I'm getting ovrSucess_NotVisible although our app is the only VR app running.

Our app has multiple windows. In my testes there was always one "main" window and a single "OpenGL" window. No other VR app is running and tracking always works. I can also see the warning message on the Rift display. (Interestingly it doesn't always seem to work, but this can usually be resolved by running the Tiny Room OpenGL demo before continuing with our app).

I have no problems with the Tiny Room OpenGL demo, so I know my hardware setup generally works.

How does the Oculus SDK determine whether it has focus? Can you think of anything I can do from within the app to fix this? Can ovrSuccess_NotVisible mean something else, apart from another VR app having the focus?

Thanks for the report. We will look into this. If I understand you right, your app has two desktop windows: the main window and the OpenGL window, and that's possibly the differentiating factor here? Is your app publicly available?

Honored Guest
Our app is unfortunately not publicly available.

Yes, there is always one main window and there can be many other windows with their own OpenGL context. But I am always only using a single OpenGL window. So two windows in total.

Can you think of a mistake, I might be making, that can trigger ovrSuccess_NotVisible as well? At this point, all I'm trying to do is clearing the framebuffer while having the OVR swap texture bound. I only see the warning message though. At least this shows there has to be some working connection, right?

When setting the rift up in extended mode I get error messages alternating between ovrSuccess_NotVisible and ovrError_Timeout. In that case I do see an image on the Rift, but only if the application is running on that "monitor" anyway. No warning message though.

Oculus room tiny OpenGL sometimes doesn't work with extended mode either. If it does, my main Display goes black.

I have to say, that I don't get the error any more. It was probably caused by something else I did before. So now it seems the problem lies within our app. But even just clearing the oculus swap buffer I don't see anything.

Honored Guest
Just want to let you know, that we have resolved our problem. The solution was updating the ovrLayerEyeFov struct every frame although nothing seemingly changed.

Grand Champion
Thanks for following up on this.
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