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pairing oculus quest 2 too pc

Honored Guest

when I try too pair it too my pc via a use type A too C cable it start connecting then throws me out and the app says quest 2 power low 0 percent battery and I get stock on this until I restart oculus services on the odt debug tool 


any help is apricated thanks 






@SWR1626  and what does your headset say the battery level is when you disconnect it from the PC app?

Four Rift CV1s, Quest 2, Quest 3, Lenovo Explorer WMR, GearVR


Link cables are typically C-C, not A-C connection, which is likely the issue. The cable is not going to provide enough power, and isn't providing enough power to be used while linked. It's going to be a combination of the port you're using not being rated for VR data transfers/ charging, and the cable you're using not being rated for it.

Try an actual link cable, which would plug directly into a C type port on the back of your PC, and is rated for VR. The exact port is typically colored BLUE on most motherboards IO shields.

I've used this cable before I've had the headset for a couple of years and it worked perfectly but I've come back too using the head set after a few months of not using it and I have this problem 

I don't know if this is relevant but recently I out a fresh install of Windows 11 on my pc as my version of Windows 10 became currupt and the last tike I used the head set the pc app was still branded as the oculas app 

Head set was fully charged after spending all the time trying too connect it it went down abit too maybe 90 percent

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