01-06-2025 10:39 AM - edited 01-06-2025 10:39 AM
some gtag kid stole my oculus while i wasn't looking and i got it back with a broken left controller. so I ordered a new one and I've been waiting for 5 days but the status hasn't changed from preparing to ship. I ordered it at an address that they do ship to so I'm not sure what to do. Estimated delivery date is January 7th which is tomorrow.
01-07-2025 05:42 AM
Mines been stuck on preparing to ship for the last 3 weeks with a estimated delivery date of 19th of December lol mine was a replacement for a meta quest 3 I payed for that came faulty and broken on day one so so far terrible experience
01-07-2025 07:48 AM
Message support they're really helpful and were quick to respond. Like almost instantly and they're very professional they had my issue sorted out in minutes.
01-07-2025 07:54 AM
Thanks I have been speaking to them they email me back every 2-3days not saying to much and giving no real updates in fact the only two updates Iv had so far was was once about a week ago they said in 3-5 days I should get an update didn’t get any new information , they also said a similar thing a couple of days ago I really hope this next update is good news but I don’t have faith
01-07-2025 07:58 AM
You might just live far from the nearest place they ship or you added a address they don't deliver to. I'll report back tomorrow they said it would be here then.
01-07-2025 08:03 AM
Good luck with your order I hope it gets there soon!
01-08-2025 06:18 AM
It's supposed to be here in 4 hours
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