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quest 2 issue new but not unseen before just extreamly persistent today

Honored Guest

Hii, I've been googling this problem all day alllllll day

I've been on reddit

I've spoken to prominent '' developers''

I've sent help tickets from inside the headset and not even sure if they are getting sent....

my issue is low memory some features disabled.

and specifically, its effecting my vr chat gaming and user experience too the point that i officially decided against getting the quest three cause this is becoming a ridiculous issue for me.

my problem below

so on a pc i can partition a drive i can reallocate memory i can see how my ram is being used etc.  I can use task manager to fix issues or turn off something that's determined to run even when I close it out.

but for the meta quest 2 I'm I am unable to join worlds that are quest compatible and i have setting turned on that the vr chat does not acknowledge to be on. i do very much find this to be a quest issue not a vrc issue its fine on my phone fine on my pc fine on my laptop just in the quest WHERE I WOULD LIKE TO PLAY IT ... that low memory notifications are popping up.

I'm being sent back to my home world instantly no matter where i go and if i preset my home world to a new location to avoid being sent home I can't interact with the world due to low memory issues


what I've tried so far.

I've turned off vrc, restarted vr chat.

I've turned off the headset and restarted the headset

I've restarted headset 

I've turned off the headset and let it charge 100 percent

I've sent help tickets from inside vrc, and inside meta quest, haven't received even 1 automated message in reply so I'm unsure anything is even being sent. AND YES IVE DONE MORE

I've rest my router 

I've checked the game and functionality on the pc, various cheap laptops laying around as well as my smartphone game runs fine on a smartphone!!

I found online  to clear game cache and that didn't do anything 

I've uninstalled everything BUT vr chat and have more than 150 gigs of free space ( reddit told me too)  if that's how ram on this thing really works then it has plenty available ( although I've never head of storage space and ram being shared commodities and running fluidly as either  i did it because of reddit )

I deleted vr chat completely and officially had nothing on the headset and re installed the vrchat application and stiiiiiiiiiiiiiilllllllllll having the low memory problem


how do i factory restore the headset without losing my games and etc...

its the last thing to try unless I'm missing something, and this is insane this was not an issue till yesterday.


about the subject I've seen low memory before once or twice in a month when playing for a long time, but a fast reboot clears it up just not anymore and I've never had the issue on any of the games i had bought just vr chat






@jadenspades  you won't lose your games if you factory reset the headset. Before you factory reset the headset be sure to enable cloud backups in the settings to save your game plays. There are many guides on the internet on how to factory reset your headset.

Four Rift CV1s, Quest 2, Quest 3, Lenovo Explorer WMR, GearVR

I do appreciate you giving me this input I did find a tutorial and desperately said you know what screw it and I went ahead with the full reset and after the full reset of the headset logging and signing back in and only downloading VR chat I am still having low memory alerts and you know some features disabled even in low res low poly low memory required VR chat worlds I have no clue what could possibly be the problem

So, just to confirm, does the Quest 2  play mobile headset games okay. If so, the issue isn't with your headset. You may have to do a thorough uninstall of the meta PC software and reinstall it.

 Reboot in safe mode and uninstall oculus software. Then open explorer to type and find any OCULUS FOLDERS to delete under those folders below.

When just click C:/Users/YourUserProfile, those folders may not be visible. You have to type in then it will show you.






There may be other Oculus folders under Local, Local Low and Roaming folders but just deleted them.

Four Rift CV1s, Quest 2, Quest 3, Lenovo Explorer WMR, GearVR
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