12-29-2024 07:05 PM
As per the topic. What on earth is this?
I've started getting this message in V72 on my Quest 3. I thought this had been fixed ages ago? My charging cable wasn't even attached when I saw this. It was running on battery. For the love of all that is good, please don't make me go through this nonsense again.
What on earth is up with these recent updates? If people aren't having their headsets bricked, now errors that were meant to have been resolved in V68 are now coming back!
12-29-2024 07:17 PM
On top of the above, there is now a massive memory leak in Horizon Worlds causing a regular "Out of memory" error. You can't choose "Skip installs and shut down" when closing the headset as it won't let you.
I suppose I should be thankful I don't have a bricked device based on this update, with all the horror stories I'm reading!
12-30-2024 01:25 AM
@ZotzWylde the debris or liquid detected warning is a reoccurring problem with the meta software. It's still worth raising a ticket with meta support to raise it to the tech peeps.
01-14-2025 01:03 PM
Yep also randomly getting this warning.
a month ago
Getting this issue aswell l. 1 whole year and still not fixed!
a month ago
I have been talking with them for a week. The root cause of this issue is with how the device charges. Once the Q3 (any smart phones, basically anything new) gets to 70-80% charged, it lowers the current to better charge the battery and reduce heat. For some reason, Meta is using this current drop as a signal for when a "short" is occurring (I would imagine to protect against the risk of thermal events or overheating to the port) it disables the port and throws the popup.
The first issue is that its detecting something that IS NOT there. This is a "better safe than sorry" solution and they value preventing a lawsuit over customer experience.
The second issue is that the popup blocks out the ENTIRE SCREEN and its not just a small popup that goes away after 5 seconds, you have to manually acknowledge it (again, covering their butts). It says the USB is disabled, but my Link still works just fine, so its not the entire cable, just the power. If I didn't have to drive blind when Simracing when this popup appeared, I wouldn't even care. I can ignore a small popup, but not a black screen.
I have been working with support and blindly following their directions, and even purchased the Official Link cable for 100 dollars just so they couldnt say that was the issue. It works for Link, yes, but it doesnt provide a charge due to my PC USB being 3.3V limiter so now playtime is 2.5 hours, assuming I have a full charge, rather than infinite on whatever charge I want.
My next solution is to get a USB C pci-e card that has PD capabilites (up to 12V, 2 port at 2.4A (30W) and 2 ports at 3A (45W)). I will be installing later this week to see if that fixes the issue or causes more issues. I suspect it will cause the debris issue just like my other cable, although I have been following their suggestions, so maybe this will help to find a more permanent solution.
3 weeks ago
I also have this issue. In fact, it has never been fixed for me. I just didn't pick up my headset for over 6 months came back to the issue still being there. This liquid/debris message pulls you out of the game. What a complete waste of money. I have yet to enjoy the meta quest 3 and its been almost a year waiting on a fix. Nothing....
3 weeks ago
What cable are you using? Over Link i assume?
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