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"Laggy" Touch Controller Hands


Hi everyone,

I have been chasing my tail the last two days with this issue that I
can't seem to resolve. I purchased the touch controllers, along with 2
extra sensors (4 sensors in total). 2 sensors are plugged directly into
USB 3.0 ports and the other 2 are plugged into USB 3.0 ports using the
USB 2.0 extension cables that came with the sensors.

The tracking is fine, I don't have any dead spots or anything like
that. The issue I am having is that a lot of the time when I put the
rift on and pick up the controllers, the virtual hands are choppy (they
lag behind my actual hands movement). This can also happen to one hand
and not the other. However, the pointer for selecting things is tracked
perfectly and responsive to my movements.

I have updated my video cards drivers, updated Oculus software, etc.
The only way to fix it seems to be to close Oculus Home and restart it
over and over until the controllers are playing nice.

Has anyone else ran into any issues such as this?



Heroic Explorer
I randomly get some weird slowdown with my touch but it clears up after about 10 seconds or so.  Though I have the third sensor plugged into the top red "hot usb" ports on the top on my MOBO.  I should probably check to see what those are supposed to be used for

Hello, I have also started having stuttering, laggy touch problems after adding a 4th sensor to my setup. Everything works fine but when my Touch controllers go to steep they stutter badly when they come back to activity. The way to correct to is to restart Oculus by going settings, BETA, restart Oculus. I will keep this thread posted if an upcoming software updated fixes this issue. Thanks! 
[Paulo Carvalho Mobile - 204-294-4389] "Life is like pinball, your always trying to keep your balls in play, but in the end, they drop down the middle :)"

I solve this problem with deconnexion and reconnexion USB headset

I would not recommend doing this as you might damage your USB unplugging from the PC so much. Have you tried restarting Oculus? It takes 10 seconds to restart.
[Paulo Carvalho Mobile - 204-294-4389] "Life is like pinball, your always trying to keep your balls in play, but in the end, they drop down the middle :)"

Hello Cybereality, have you seen this issue come up allot where the Touch controllers come out of sleep mode laggy when using 3 or more sensors? Or is this isolated to a few users? Will submitting my logs help as this happens every time with my setup when I moved to 4 sensors.
[Paulo Carvalho Mobile - 204-294-4389] "Life is like pinball, your always trying to keep your balls in play, but in the end, they drop down the middle :)"

Grand Champion
No, I haven't seen that before. However, if your setup was working with 3 sensors, it may be best to use that for now. 4 sensors are not typically needed and can add complexity.
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Hey RiftHeads, this work around was just posted in Reddit under a similar topic and it makes sense to me. I cannot test at the moment since I am work right now. Can someone here having the laggy sleep issue try it? Essentially move your HMD and Touch inside the guardian box before engaging your HMD.


OK, so, this is going to sound super dumb...and maybe it is...but try this:

Pick up your touch controllers before putting on the headset. Carry your controllers and the headset to the center of your play space. Put on the headset. See if your touch controllers lag or not. I've tried this about ten times now and each time I get no lag at all.

On the other hand, let's say I do this: Put on headset. Peek under nose gap to find controllers outside of my guardian boundaries. Pick controllers up. Controllers lag like crazy.

It's not a very scientific test at this point, but I'm guessing that the 4 sensor laggy hands bug can be avoided by having your controllers in your play space before the HMD initializes. Sure hope so...cause I can deal with that a lot more easily than I can deal with having to restart the Oculus service every time.

[Paulo Carvalho Mobile - 204-294-4389] "Life is like pinball, your always trying to keep your balls in play, but in the end, they drop down the middle :)"

Hey guys, I have been testing this tonight and it appears to not work for me. I have tried putting the HMD and Touch inside guardian and its luck of the of draw if I get a laggy result or not. Same thing happens in SteamVR. I was hoping this would fix my issue, but it did not. Will continue to wait for patch at month end.
[Paulo Carvalho Mobile - 204-294-4389] "Life is like pinball, your always trying to keep your balls in play, but in the end, they drop down the middle :)"

Same here, it is still occurring when keeping touch inside the guardian. A difference I did notice is that the guardian walls were not showing. If I brought a lagging controller to the guardian, the blue orb was not showing at all. It was also late in showing the wall, sometimes after my hand had already gone through.

Hi everyone,

Thanks for all the feedback - apologies for the late reply.

I have tested everything said. So, it works without an issue using 2 or 3 sensors. However, the tracking is limited with those two options. Adding the fourth sensor seems to be the cause of the problem. As suggested on Reddit, if I unplug the USB for the headset and then plug it back in, the problem goes away. However, it will happen again after a bit of use. Removing the headset seems to also trigger the error.

It is definitely a bug in the software and not a hardware fault.

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