01-19-2017 02:38 PM
Hi everyone,
I have been chasing my tail the last two days with this issue that I
can't seem to resolve. I purchased the touch controllers, along with 2
extra sensors (4 sensors in total). 2 sensors are plugged directly into
USB 3.0 ports and the other 2 are plugged into USB 3.0 ports using the
USB 2.0 extension cables that came with the sensors.
The tracking is fine, I don't have any dead spots or anything like
that. The issue I am having is that a lot of the time when I put the
rift on and pick up the controllers, the virtual hands are choppy (they
lag behind my actual hands movement). This can also happen to one hand
and not the other. However, the pointer for selecting things is tracked
perfectly and responsive to my movements.
I have updated my video cards drivers, updated Oculus software, etc.
The only way to fix it seems to be to close Oculus Home and restart it
over and over until the controllers are playing nice.
Has anyone else ran into any issues such as this?
01-21-2017 12:47 PM
01-23-2017 06:06 AM
01-23-2017 07:54 AM
01-23-2017 09:07 AM
01-23-2017 09:41 AM
01-23-2017 11:38 AM
01-23-2017 11:44 AM
OK, so, this is going to sound super dumb...and maybe it is...but try this:
Pick up your touch controllers before putting on the headset. Carry your controllers and the headset to the center of your play space. Put on the headset. See if your touch controllers lag or not. I've tried this about ten times now and each time I get no lag at all.
On the other hand, let's say I do this: Put on headset. Peek under nose gap to find controllers outside of my guardian boundaries. Pick controllers up. Controllers lag like crazy.
It's not a very scientific test at this point, but I'm guessing that the 4 sensor laggy hands bug can be avoided by having your controllers in your play space before the HMD initializes. Sure hope so...cause I can deal with that a lot more easily than I can deal with having to restart the Oculus service every time.
01-23-2017 08:25 PM
01-23-2017 09:13 PM
01-24-2017 03:33 PM
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