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"Show Mixed Reality Objects" not available in settings

Honored Guest

Hello! I am using a Meta Quest Pro on the Private Test Channel and just upgraded the v64, and I noticed that the "Show Mixed Reality Objects" setting is missing following the update a few days ago. If I go into room setup I can still see the objects, but no longer have the option to make them visible when in VR. 


I wasn't sure if this was possibly an issue of a corrupt guardian or space setup, so I have deleted both but the option is still not available. I have a rather large play space with two tables that I can't move, so now I have effectively lost half my play area since there's no way to wrap the guardian around them. 


Is this remarkably handy feature now permanently removed at this point? I hope not, because it was the only thing that let me effectively use my space for VR. Thanks! 


Accepted Solutions

Hey, @OctoDezimal! Thank you for reaching out, bringing this to our attention, and providing us with details on this matter. We understand how this can disrupt an amazing VR experience, as we aim for all our users to be able to navigate through their devices as smoothly as possible, and we will continue to look into this further. For now, please submit a bug report. Feel free to reach out to us again if you come across any other questions, and we will be happy to help! 

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Community Manager
Community Manager

Hey there, @nerd_corner. Thank you for reaching out to us. We are all too familiar with the fun Virtual and Mixed reality can provide. We see that you are struggling with an issue after updating your headset. Are there any troubleshooting steps you have tried prior to contacting us? If so, please inform us. If not, however, below are a few options to try:

  • You can try to opt out of the PTC, thus having your update uninstalled, which will revert your headset to the previous version. You can find more here.
  • You can attempt a factory reset as well. You can find more information on that here.

Don't forget to conduct a cloud backup before initiating those two steps. That information is here. We hope to hear from you soon!

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Community Manager
Community Manager

Hey there, @nerd_corner. We are coming back around the mountain as we go, and we are just checking back in to see if you still need assistance. If so, please try out the steps above and let us know if they helped. If not, we are glad you have your issue resolved and are back in the virtual world.

If you're the author of a thread, remember to mark a reply as the Accepted Solution to help others find answers!

Honored Guest

Hi @nerd_corner, I am facing the same problem after updating. Have you found any solution yet?


@MetaQuestSupport, is there a reason this great and important feature is no longer there after the update, or are @nerd_corner and I just facing some kind of bug?? The two replies below the original question did not make that clear to me. I'd be really thankful to know if there's a way to fix this without having to factory reset. For now, I'm just regretting having hit the update button 😞 Thanks!

edit: Quest 3 here, regular update to v64, no PTC!

Hey, @OctoDezimal! Thank you for reaching out, bringing this to our attention, and providing us with details on this matter. We understand how this can disrupt an amazing VR experience, as we aim for all our users to be able to navigate through their devices as smoothly as possible, and we will continue to look into this further. For now, please submit a bug report. Feel free to reach out to us again if you come across any other questions, and we will be happy to help! 

If you're the author of a thread, remember to mark a reply as the Accepted Solution to help others find answers!

Honored Guest

so more than a month later and still with this issue. Meta is that hard to add the "Show Mixed Reality Objects" option back? we all don't have huge spaces to play the Quest so with that option i was able to position myself perfect by using the objects showed while playing. lets get it together Meta lets push forward not backwards here please please get that fixed ASAP


still no button i cant play vr..

Why is this marked as a solution? Besides the fact that it isn't, it has been months and the problems is still existing.

@MetaQuestSupport  It’s not fixed I don’t know why it’s marked as a solution was found. Go to the boundary set up and you will see no “show objects in mixed reality” option like it was before. Please add this feature back. 

Another month, still no fix

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