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"There is not enough storage space on this device" error never tells how much space is needed to

Expert Protege

I'm on a 128 GB Quest 3.  Trying to install a new game I just bought on the Holiday sale.  Getting the "There is not enough storage space on this device" error.

It just gives me an option to "Go to storage" but doesn't say how much space I need to clear to be able to download and install the game, and when I browse the game on the store from the headset it's not apparent how much space is required.  Not sure why the error just doesn't say something like 'you need X MB free to download and install this program'

I don't want to be uninstalling random apps on my headset just to be able to see if it will download a new game.



Hi @Gruntled 🙂

The size of a game is indicated in the store information. Search for the game in the store and tap "Info" in the left bar.

Scroll down to "More details" and tap "See all".

Note: Downloading/installing the game requires slightly more free space than the game's size.


I did look for that info in the store via browsing on the Quest store (Track Craft was the game I was trying to install, but it wasn't showing on other games) it's just so hard to find.


It's just very frustrating that it doesn't say how much storage is needed to clear on the device on that error message that pops up and the info to find it is hidden on the store details.

I admit, it would be easier if the message shows you how much storage is needed.

But the game isn't hard to find....I've just tried that using the search.

In case you still didn't know how much space you's a little more than 1 GB🙂


OK thanks, looks like I'll need to uninstall another game T_T

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